import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union
import gymnasium as gym
from stable_baselines3.common.atari_wrappers import AtariWrapper
from stable_baselines3.common.monitor import Monitor
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import DummyVecEnv, SubprocVecEnv, VecEnv
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.patch_gym import _patch_env
def unwrap_wrapper(env: gym.Env, wrapper_class: type[gym.Wrapper]) -> Optional[gym.Wrapper]:
Retrieve a ``VecEnvWrapper`` object by recursively searching.
:param env: Environment to unwrap
:param wrapper_class: Wrapper to look for
:return: Environment unwrapped till ``wrapper_class`` if it has been wrapped with it
env_tmp = env
while isinstance(env_tmp, gym.Wrapper):
if isinstance(env_tmp, wrapper_class):
return env_tmp
env_tmp = env_tmp.env
return None
def is_wrapped(env: gym.Env, wrapper_class: type[gym.Wrapper]) -> bool:
Check if a given environment has been wrapped with a given wrapper.
:param env: Environment to check
:param wrapper_class: Wrapper class to look for
:return: True if environment has been wrapped with ``wrapper_class``.
return unwrap_wrapper(env, wrapper_class) is not None
def make_vec_env(
env_id: Union[str, Callable[..., gym.Env]],
n_envs: int = 1,
seed: Optional[int] = None,
start_index: int = 0,
monitor_dir: Optional[str] = None,
wrapper_class: Optional[Callable[[gym.Env], gym.Env]] = None,
env_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
vec_env_cls: Optional[type[Union[DummyVecEnv, SubprocVecEnv]]] = None,
vec_env_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
monitor_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
wrapper_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> VecEnv:
Create a wrapped, monitored ``VecEnv``.
By default it uses a ``DummyVecEnv`` which is usually faster
than a ``SubprocVecEnv``.
:param env_id: either the env ID, the env class or a callable returning an env
:param n_envs: the number of environments you wish to have in parallel
:param seed: the initial seed for the random number generator
:param start_index: start rank index
:param monitor_dir: Path to a folder where the monitor files will be saved.
If None, no file will be written, however, the env will still be wrapped
in a Monitor wrapper to provide additional information about training.
:param wrapper_class: Additional wrapper to use on the environment.
This can also be a function with single argument that wraps the environment in many things.
Note: the wrapper specified by this parameter will be applied after the ``Monitor`` wrapper.
if some cases (e.g. with TimeLimit wrapper) this can lead to undesired behavior.
See here for more details:
:param env_kwargs: Optional keyword argument to pass to the env constructor
:param vec_env_cls: A custom ``VecEnv`` class constructor. Default: None.
:param vec_env_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the ``VecEnv`` class constructor.
:param monitor_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the ``Monitor`` class constructor.
:param wrapper_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the ``Wrapper`` class constructor.
:return: The wrapped environment
env_kwargs = env_kwargs or {}
vec_env_kwargs = vec_env_kwargs or {}
monitor_kwargs = monitor_kwargs or {}
wrapper_kwargs = wrapper_kwargs or {}
assert vec_env_kwargs is not None # for mypy
def make_env(rank: int) -> Callable[[], gym.Env]:
def _init() -> gym.Env:
# For type checker:
assert monitor_kwargs is not None
assert wrapper_kwargs is not None
assert env_kwargs is not None
if isinstance(env_id, str):
# if the render mode was not specified, we set it to `rgb_array` as default.
kwargs = {"render_mode": "rgb_array"}
env = gym.make(env_id, **kwargs) # type: ignore[arg-type]
except TypeError:
env = gym.make(env_id, **env_kwargs)
env = env_id(**env_kwargs)
# Patch to support gym 0.21/0.26 and gymnasium
env = _patch_env(env)
if seed is not None:
# Note: here we only seed the action space
# We will seed the env at the next reset
env.action_space.seed(seed + rank)
# Wrap the env in a Monitor wrapper
# to have additional training information
monitor_path = os.path.join(monitor_dir, str(rank)) if monitor_dir is not None else None
# Create the monitor folder if needed
if monitor_path is not None and monitor_dir is not None:
os.makedirs(monitor_dir, exist_ok=True)
env = Monitor(env, filename=monitor_path, **monitor_kwargs)
# Optionally, wrap the environment with the provided wrapper
if wrapper_class is not None:
env = wrapper_class(env, **wrapper_kwargs)
return env
return _init
# No custom VecEnv is passed
if vec_env_cls is None:
# Default: use a DummyVecEnv
vec_env_cls = DummyVecEnv
vec_env = vec_env_cls([make_env(i + start_index) for i in range(n_envs)], **vec_env_kwargs)
# Prepare the seeds for the first reset
return vec_env
def make_atari_env(
env_id: Union[str, Callable[..., gym.Env]],
n_envs: int = 1,
seed: Optional[int] = None,
start_index: int = 0,
monitor_dir: Optional[str] = None,
wrapper_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
env_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
vec_env_cls: Optional[Union[type[DummyVecEnv], type[SubprocVecEnv]]] = None,
vec_env_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
monitor_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> VecEnv:
Create a wrapped, monitored VecEnv for Atari.
It is a wrapper around ``make_vec_env`` that includes common preprocessing for Atari games.
:param env_id: either the env ID, the env class or a callable returning an env
:param n_envs: the number of environments you wish to have in parallel
:param seed: the initial seed for the random number generator
:param start_index: start rank index
:param monitor_dir: Path to a folder where the monitor files will be saved.
If None, no file will be written, however, the env will still be wrapped
in a Monitor wrapper to provide additional information about training.
:param wrapper_kwargs: Optional keyword argument to pass to the ``AtariWrapper``
:param env_kwargs: Optional keyword argument to pass to the env constructor
:param vec_env_cls: A custom ``VecEnv`` class constructor. Default: None.
:param vec_env_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the ``VecEnv`` class constructor.
:param monitor_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the ``Monitor`` class constructor.
:return: The wrapped environment
return make_vec_env(