Source code for stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.vec_check_nan

import warnings

import numpy as np

from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.base_vec_env import VecEnv, VecEnvObs, VecEnvStepReturn, VecEnvWrapper

[docs]class VecCheckNan(VecEnvWrapper): """ NaN and inf checking wrapper for vectorized environment, will raise a warning by default, allowing you to know from what the NaN of inf originated from. :param venv: the vectorized environment to wrap :param raise_exception: Whether or not to raise a ValueError, instead of a UserWarning :param warn_once: Whether or not to only warn once. :param check_inf: Whether or not to check for +inf or -inf as well """ def __init__(self, venv: VecEnv, raise_exception: bool = False, warn_once: bool = True, check_inf: bool = True): VecEnvWrapper.__init__(self, venv) self.raise_exception = raise_exception self.warn_once = warn_once self.check_inf = check_inf self._actions = None self._observations = None self._user_warned = False
[docs] def step_async(self, actions: np.ndarray) -> None: self._check_val(async_step=True, actions=actions) self._actions = actions self.venv.step_async(actions)
[docs] def step_wait(self) -> VecEnvStepReturn: observations, rewards, news, infos = self.venv.step_wait() self._check_val(async_step=False, observations=observations, rewards=rewards, news=news) self._observations = observations return observations, rewards, news, infos
[docs] def reset(self) -> VecEnvObs: observations = self.venv.reset() self._actions = None self._check_val(async_step=False, observations=observations) self._observations = observations return observations
def _check_val(self, *, async_step: bool, **kwargs) -> None: # if warn and warn once and have warned once: then stop checking if not self.raise_exception and self.warn_once and self._user_warned: return found = [] for name, val in kwargs.items(): has_nan = np.any(np.isnan(val)) has_inf = self.check_inf and np.any(np.isinf(val)) if has_inf: found.append((name, "inf")) if has_nan: found.append((name, "nan")) if found: self._user_warned = True msg = "" for i, (name, type_val) in enumerate(found): msg += f"found {type_val} in {name}" if i != len(found) - 1: msg += ", " msg += ".\r\nOriginated from the " if not async_step: if self._actions is None: msg += "environment observation (at reset)" else: msg += f"environment, Last given value was: \r\n\taction={self._actions}" else: msg += f"RL model, Last given value was: \r\n\tobservations={self._observations}" if self.raise_exception: raise ValueError(msg) else: warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)