Source code for stable_baselines3.common.utils

import glob
import os
import random
from collections import deque
from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union

import gym
import numpy as np
import torch as th

# Check if tensorboard is available for pytorch
    from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
except ImportError:
    SummaryWriter = None

from stable_baselines3.common import logger
from stable_baselines3.common.type_aliases import GymEnv, Schedule, TrainFreq, TrainFrequencyUnit

[docs]def set_random_seed(seed: int, using_cuda: bool = False) -> None: """ Seed the different random generators. :param seed: :param using_cuda: """ # Seed python RNG random.seed(seed) # Seed numpy RNG np.random.seed(seed) # seed the RNG for all devices (both CPU and CUDA) th.manual_seed(seed) if using_cuda: # Deterministic operations for CuDNN, it may impact performances th.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True th.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
# From stable baselines
[docs]def explained_variance(y_pred: np.ndarray, y_true: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes fraction of variance that ypred explains about y. Returns 1 - Var[y-ypred] / Var[y] interpretation: ev=0 => might as well have predicted zero ev=1 => perfect prediction ev<0 => worse than just predicting zero :param y_pred: the prediction :param y_true: the expected value :return: explained variance of ypred and y """ assert y_true.ndim == 1 and y_pred.ndim == 1 var_y = np.var(y_true) return np.nan if var_y == 0 else 1 - np.var(y_true - y_pred) / var_y
[docs]def update_learning_rate(optimizer: th.optim.Optimizer, learning_rate: float) -> None: """ Update the learning rate for a given optimizer. Useful when doing linear schedule. :param optimizer: :param learning_rate: """ for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group["lr"] = learning_rate
[docs]def get_schedule_fn(value_schedule: Union[Schedule, float, int]) -> Schedule: """ Transform (if needed) learning rate and clip range (for PPO) to callable. :param value_schedule: :return: """ # If the passed schedule is a float # create a constant function if isinstance(value_schedule, (float, int)): # Cast to float to avoid errors value_schedule = constant_fn(float(value_schedule)) else: assert callable(value_schedule) return value_schedule
[docs]def get_linear_fn(start: float, end: float, end_fraction: float) -> Schedule: """ Create a function that interpolates linearly between start and end between ``progress_remaining`` = 1 and ``progress_remaining`` = ``end_fraction``. This is used in DQN for linearly annealing the exploration fraction (epsilon for the epsilon-greedy strategy). :params start: value to start with if ``progress_remaining`` = 1 :params end: value to end with if ``progress_remaining`` = 0 :params end_fraction: fraction of ``progress_remaining`` where end is reached e.g 0.1 then end is reached after 10% of the complete training process. :return: """ def func(progress_remaining: float) -> float: if (1 - progress_remaining) > end_fraction: return end else: return start + (1 - progress_remaining) * (end - start) / end_fraction return func
[docs]def constant_fn(val: float) -> Schedule: """ Create a function that returns a constant It is useful for learning rate schedule (to avoid code duplication) :param val: :return: """ def func(_): return val return func
[docs]def get_device(device: Union[th.device, str] = "auto") -> th.device: """ Retrieve PyTorch device. It checks that the requested device is available first. For now, it supports only cpu and cuda. By default, it tries to use the gpu. :param device: One for 'auto', 'cuda', 'cpu' :return: """ # Cuda by default if device == "auto": device = "cuda" # Force conversion to th.device device = th.device(device) # Cuda not available if device.type == th.device("cuda").type and not th.cuda.is_available(): return th.device("cpu") return device
[docs]def get_latest_run_id(log_path: Optional[str] = None, log_name: str = "") -> int: """ Returns the latest run number for the given log name and log path, by finding the greatest number in the directories. :return: latest run number """ max_run_id = 0 for path in glob.glob(f"{log_path}/{log_name}_[0-9]*"): file_name = path.split(os.sep)[-1] ext = file_name.split("_")[-1] if log_name == "_".join(file_name.split("_")[:-1]) and ext.isdigit() and int(ext) > max_run_id: max_run_id = int(ext) return max_run_id
[docs]def configure_logger( verbose: int = 0, tensorboard_log: Optional[str] = None, tb_log_name: str = "", reset_num_timesteps: bool = True ) -> None: """ Configure the logger's outputs. :param verbose: the verbosity level: 0 no output, 1 info, 2 debug :param tensorboard_log: the log location for tensorboard (if None, no logging) :param tb_log_name: tensorboard log """ if tensorboard_log is not None and SummaryWriter is not None: latest_run_id = get_latest_run_id(tensorboard_log, tb_log_name) if not reset_num_timesteps: # Continue training in the same directory latest_run_id -= 1 save_path = os.path.join(tensorboard_log, f"{tb_log_name}_{latest_run_id + 1}") if verbose >= 1: logger.configure(save_path, ["stdout", "tensorboard"]) else: logger.configure(save_path, ["tensorboard"]) elif verbose == 0: logger.configure(format_strings=[""])
[docs]def check_for_correct_spaces(env: GymEnv, observation_space: gym.spaces.Space, action_space: gym.spaces.Space) -> None: """ Checks that the environment has same spaces as provided ones. Used by BaseAlgorithm to check if spaces match after loading the model with given env. Checked parameters: - observation_space - action_space :param env: Environment to check for valid spaces :param observation_space: Observation space to check against :param action_space: Action space to check against """ if observation_space != env.observation_space: raise ValueError(f"Observation spaces do not match: {observation_space} != {env.observation_space}") if action_space != env.action_space: raise ValueError(f"Action spaces do not match: {action_space} != {env.action_space}")
[docs]def is_vectorized_observation(observation: np.ndarray, observation_space: gym.spaces.Space) -> bool: """ For every observation type, detects and validates the shape, then returns whether or not the observation is vectorized. :param observation: the input observation to validate :param observation_space: the observation space :return: whether the given observation is vectorized or not """ if isinstance(observation_space, gym.spaces.Box): if observation.shape == observation_space.shape: return False elif observation.shape[1:] == observation_space.shape: return True else: raise ValueError( f"Error: Unexpected observation shape {observation.shape} for " + f"Box environment, please use {observation_space.shape} " + "or (n_env, {}) for the observation shape.".format(", ".join(map(str, observation_space.shape))) ) elif isinstance(observation_space, gym.spaces.Discrete): if observation.shape == (): # A numpy array of a number, has shape empty tuple '()' return False elif len(observation.shape) == 1: return True else: raise ValueError( f"Error: Unexpected observation shape {observation.shape} for " + "Discrete environment, please use (1,) or (n_env, 1) for the observation shape." ) elif isinstance(observation_space, gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete): if observation.shape == (len(observation_space.nvec),): return False elif len(observation.shape) == 2 and observation.shape[1] == len(observation_space.nvec): return True else: raise ValueError( f"Error: Unexpected observation shape {observation.shape} for MultiDiscrete " + f"environment, please use ({len(observation_space.nvec)},) or " + f"(n_env, {len(observation_space.nvec)}) for the observation shape." ) elif isinstance(observation_space, gym.spaces.MultiBinary): if observation.shape == (observation_space.n,): return False elif len(observation.shape) == 2 and observation.shape[1] == observation_space.n: return True else: raise ValueError( f"Error: Unexpected observation shape {observation.shape} for MultiBinary " + f"environment, please use ({observation_space.n},) or " + f"(n_env, {observation_space.n}) for the observation shape." ) else: raise ValueError( "Error: Cannot determine if the observation is vectorized " + f" with the space type {observation_space}." )
[docs]def safe_mean(arr: Union[np.ndarray, list, deque]) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the mean of an array if there is at least one element. For empty array, return NaN. It is used for logging only. :param arr: :return: """ return np.nan if len(arr) == 0 else np.mean(arr)
[docs]def zip_strict(*iterables: Iterable) -> Iterable: r""" ``zip()`` function but enforces that iterables are of equal length. Raises ``ValueError`` if iterables not of equal length. Code inspired by Stackoverflow answer for question #32954486. :param \*iterables: iterables to ``zip()`` """ # As in Stackoverflow #32954486, use # new object for "empty" in case we have # Nones in iterable. sentinel = object() for combo in zip_longest(*iterables, fillvalue=sentinel): if sentinel in combo: raise ValueError("Iterables have different lengths") yield combo
[docs]def polyak_update(params: Iterable[th.nn.Parameter], target_params: Iterable[th.nn.Parameter], tau: float) -> None: """ Perform a Polyak average update on ``target_params`` using ``params``: target parameters are slowly updated towards the main parameters. ``tau``, the soft update coefficient controls the interpolation: ``tau=1`` corresponds to copying the parameters to the target ones whereas nothing happens when ``tau=0``. The Polyak update is done in place, with ``no_grad``, and therefore does not create intermediate tensors, or a computation graph, reducing memory cost and improving performance. We scale the target params by ``1-tau`` (in-place), add the new weights, scaled by ``tau`` and store the result of the sum in the target params (in place). See :param params: parameters to use to update the target params :param target_params: parameters to update :param tau: the soft update coefficient ("Polyak update", between 0 and 1) """ with th.no_grad(): # zip does not raise an exception if length of parameters does not match. for param, target_param in zip_strict(params, target_params): - tau) th.add(,, alpha=tau,
[docs]def should_collect_more_steps( train_freq: TrainFreq, num_collected_steps: int, num_collected_episodes: int, ) -> bool: """ Helper used in ``collect_rollouts()`` of off-policy algorithms to determine the termination condition. :param train_freq: How much experience should be collected before updating the policy. :param num_collected_steps: The number of already collected steps. :param num_collected_episodes: The number of already collected episodes. :return: Whether to continue or not collecting experience by doing rollouts of the current policy. """ if train_freq.unit == TrainFrequencyUnit.STEP: return num_collected_steps < train_freq.frequency elif train_freq.unit == TrainFrequencyUnit.EPISODE: return num_collected_episodes < train_freq.frequency else: raise ValueError( "The unit of the `train_freq` must be either TrainFrequencyUnit.STEP " f"or TrainFrequencyUnit.EPISODE not '{train_freq.unit}'!" )